Friday, June 10, 2016

Assessment Friday, 6/10 - Genetics and Evolution

Know and be able to:

_____Define genotype.
_____What is an allele?
_____Distinguish between dominant and recessive alleles.
_____Identify the alleles in a given genotype.
_____Identify homozygous genotypes.
_____Identify heterozygous genotypes.
_____Why do different alleles change the trait expressed?
_____Define phenotype.
_____Determine phenotypes based on genotypes.
_____Select a logical genotype letter based on phenotypes.
_____Create a Punnett square to determine the genotypes and phenotypes of offspring based on parent genotypes.
_____Determine percentages of phenotypes of offspring.

_____Explain the process of natural selection.
_____Explain how natural selection changes the genes and traits in a population.
_____Explain survival of the fittest.
_____Use the idea of natural selection to identify which individuals are fittest for a given situation or environment.
_____Define "theory" in science.
_____Identify evidence that supports the theory of evolution.
_____Use evidence to determine relatedness or history of living things.

Your best review resources are your classwork and homework assignments.

Textbooks will be collected next week. If you need to rely on your textbook for review after turning it in, refer to the online textbook.

Please see me with any questions!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

DNA and Proteins Quiz - Thursday, 5/19/16

Use the following to guide your review for Thursday's quiz.
The best way to review is to practice! Use your classwork assignments as a guide. Can you re-do the work you did in class on your own?

Be able to:
___ Describe the shape of a DNA molecule
___ Explain how DNA is organized in a cell's nucleus 
___ Name the building block of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA)
___ Describe what that building block is made up of
___ Identify DNA base pairs

___ Name the building block of proteins
___ Explain how DNA is linked to a person's traits
___ Explain the process of DNA coding for proteins
(What is made? Where does it happen in a cell?)

___ Create a complementary RNA sequence from a given DNA sequence
___ Read an amino acid table 
___ Use an RNA sequence and an amino acid table to write an amino acid sequence

-Chapter 6 Section 1 - for the structure of DNA
-Chapter 6 Section 2 - for protein synthesis 
-DNA Notes
-Decoding mRNA
-Codon Bingo
-Snorks activity

Monday, March 7, 2016

Assessment: Thursday, 3/10/16

On Thursday, you will be taking your final assessment for the ecology unit (Chapter 18). Your past assessments, your classwork, and Chapter 18 in your textbook are your best resources.

This assessment will consist of multiple choice questions and short answer questions.

Be able to:

_____Identify resources organisms would compete for
_____Identify adaptations that prey species have to hide from / protect themselves from predator species
_____Identify adaptations that predator species have to catch / eat prey species
_____Given scenarios describing species' relationships, identify whether the relationship is mutualismparasitism, or commensalism

TOC #107 - 109 Chapter 18.3 Notes (all 3 note sheets)
TOC # 111 Symbiosis Examples
HW p. 497
Chapter 18.3

_____Define producer
_____Define consumer
_____Define decomposer
_____Describe how energy flows through an ecosystem
Is energy the same at all levels? Why? Why not?
_____Create a food chain based on feeding relationships
_____Create an energy pyramid based on energy relationships
_____Describe how energy affects populations in an ecosystem
What are the sizes of different populations in an ecosystem like? Why?
_____Describe how changes in one population of organisms affect other populations of organisms in a food chain

TOC # 100 - DR Ch. 18.2
TOC # 101 - Prairie Ecosystem
TOC # 103 - Energy - in an Ocean Ecosystem
TOC # 104 - Energy in Ecosystems
Chapter 18.2

_____Determine carrying capacity from a graph of population number vs. time
_____Identify changes that can affect a population's carrying capacity

TOC # 105 - Box Lake
TOC # 106 - Carrying Capacity: Graphing
Chapter 18.3

_____Define population
_____Define community
_____Define ecosystem
_____Distinguish between biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem

TOC #98 - Ecosystems Notes
TOC #99 - DR. Ch. 18.1

Chapter 18.1

Please, see me or email me with questions BEFORE Thursday!
Happy studying!

- Mrs. Hong

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Assessment Friday, 2/26

This will be a quiz-length assessment.
Use the guide below to focus your studying and review of class materials and homework.
Please see me with questions!

Things to be able to do:

_____Order the levels of biological organization from simple to complex
_____Define population
_____Define community
_____Define ecosystem
_____Distinguish between biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem

TOC #98 - Ecosystems Notes
TOC #99 - DR. Ch. 18.1
Chapter 18.1

_____Describe how energy flows through an ecosystem
_____Create a food chain based on feeding relationships
_____Create an energy pyramid based on energy relationships
_____Describe an energy pyramid
_____Describe how energy affects populations in an ecosystem
_____Describe how changes in one population of organisms affects other organisms in a food chain

TOC # 100 - DR Ch. 18.2
TOC # 101 - Prairie Ecosystem
TOC # 103 - Energy - in an Ocean Ecosystem
TOC # 104 - Energy in Ecosystems (will be returned)
Chapter 18.2

_____Define carrying capacity
_____Determine carrying capacity from a graph of population number vs. time
_____Identify how changes in resources can affect a population's carrying capacity

TOC # 105 - Box Lake
TOC # 106 - Carrying Capacity: Graphing

Happy studying!
- Mrs. Hong

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Classification Assessment Monday, 2/8/16

On Monday, you will take a small assessment on the classification of living things.
Use this guide to focus your review.

Be able to:
_____Explain the importance of classifying living things.
_____Identify the 3 domains of life.
_____Sort an organism into a domain based on its cell type, unicellular/multicellular, and 
_____Organize the levels of classification from general to most specific.
_____Explain why the levels of classification get more specific from domain to species.
_____Identify the 6 kingdoms of life.
_____Sort an organism into a kingdom based on cell type, unicellular/multicellular, 
             autotroph/heterotroph, and description.

Chapter 9.1
Chapter 9.2
class notes and activities

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mini quiz - Friday

This will be a graded classwork assignment.
You will be using your mitosis flipbook and notes to answer the graded questions!